How to Effectively Use Bubble Wrap Roll for Packaging

How to Effectively Use Bubble Wrap Roll for Packaging
Published On:April 8, 2020 Revised On:August 8, 2023

Packaging plays a crucial role in ensuring the safe transportation of items. Bubble wrap rolls are one of the most popular and effective packaging materials. This material provides cushioning and protection, making it a popular choice for businesses and consumers. This article reviews the proper techniques and best practices for using bubble wrap rolls to package items securely.

Understanding Bubble Wrap Roll

Comprising a matrix of air-filled bubbles trapped between two layers of plastic film, bubble wrap is a resilient shield against the jolts, impacts, and vibrations that items can experience during shipping. The packaging material is manufactured by extruding plastic sheets and then sealing them with evenly spaced air-filled bubbles.

These bubbles vary in size, often ranging from 3/16 of an inch to larger, providing a customizable level of protection for different items. The plastic film surrounding the bubbles can be transparent or opaque and feature a smooth or textured surface. The popularity of bubble wrap for packaging is attributed to its numerous advantages:

  • Cushioning and Protection: The air-filled bubbles create a resilient cushion that absorbs shocks and impacts, preventing items from getting damaged during transit.
  • Versatility: The packaging material can protect items of varying sizes and fragility, making it suitable for various applications.
  • Lightweight:  The packaging material adds minimal weight to packages, helping to keep shipping costs down.
  • Cost-Effective: Bubble wrap is an affordable packaging solution that offers substantial protection, potentially saving money on replacing damaged goods.
  • Easy to Use: Wrapping items with bubble wrap is straightforward and can be tailored to fit different shapes and sizes.
  • Transparency: Transparent bubble wrap allows for easy visibility of packaged items, which can be especially important for items with retail packaging.
  • Reusable and Recyclable:  The packaging material can be reused for future packaging needs. Additionally, some recycling centres accept bubble wrap for recycling, contributing to environmental sustainability.
  • Customizability: The variety of bubble sizes and types allows you to select the most appropriate level of protection for different items.

Preparing for Packaging

Before packaging, it’s crucial to be fully prepared with the required supplies and information. When choosing bubble wrap, it’s important to consider its size – it should be wide enough to encase the item and provide multiple layers of cushioning.

Additionally, the item’s fragility should be considered; smaller bubbles are more suitable for delicate objects, while larger bubbles offer increased impact resistance. Gathering all the essential supplies for the packaging process is recommended beforehand. Here is a list of essential supplies:

  • Bubble Wrap Roll: Select the appropriate type and size of bubble wrap based on the packaged items.
  • Scissors or Cutting Tool: These are needed to cut the bubble wrap to the required length.
  • Packaging Tape: High-quality packaging tape will secure the bubble wrap around the items.
  • Items to Be Packaged: Have the items being packaged ready and organized.
  • Labels and Markers: If items are fragile or require special handling, labels and markers can communicate this to shipping carriers.
  • Anti-Static Bags (If Needed): If packaging electronics, consider using anti-static bags to prevent static damage.
  • Boxes or Envelopes: Appropriate packaging containers are necessary depending on the size and nature of the items.

Proper Techniques for Wrapping Items

Whether packaging small, delicate items or large, irregularly shaped ones, properly securing the bubble wrap is pivotal in providing adequate cushioning and protection. Fragile materials, including glass, porcelain, and electronics, require additional care and cushioning during packaging. Employing more intricate wrapping techniques for items with irregular shapes or protruding parts is advisable.

The packaging needs to provide stronger cushioning when dealing with heavier items due to the potential pressure exerted. Items susceptible to impact damage, such as electronics, should be protected thoroughly. In cases where multiple items are stacked or layered within the same package, ensure that each item is adequately cushioned to prevent direct contact and possible damage.

  • Wrapping Individual Items: Regardless of the item’s size, whether small, medium-sized, or large and irregularly shaped, the objective is to create a barrier that shields it from potential impacts.
  • Small to Medium-sized Items: Lay the bubble wrap flat and position the item at the centre. Fold the bubble wrap over the item, ensuring complete coverage. This method provides a layer of cushioning that guards against shocks and vibrations.
  • Large and Irregularly Shaped Items: Use multiple sheets of bubble wrap to envelop the item thoroughly. Overlapping the layers of bubble wrap creates a cushioned cocoon that effectively absorbs any impacts.
  • Securing the Bubble Wrap: After wrapping the item, securing the bubble wrap is vital to maintaining its protective integrity. This can be achieved through either tape or self-adhesive bubble wrap.
  • Ensuring Complete Coverage: When wrapping items, consider corners, edges, and any particularly vulnerable points. Adding extra layers of bubble wrap to these areas can provide enhanced protection. The goal is to create a sturdy and reliable cushioning barrier that minimizes the risk of damage.

Using Void Fill Packaging

Empty spaces within packaging can pose a significant risk, as items are prone to movement during shipping. Filling the void with bubble wrap is a barrier restricting movement. Items held in place by strategically placed bubble wrap are less likely to collide, reducing the potential for damage due to shifting.

Place sheets or crumpled pieces of bubble wrap within these empty spaces. This stabilises the contents and adds layer of cushioning. Using bubble wrap as void fill not only enhances the structural integrity of the package but also minimizes the overall space available for items to move.

Layering and Stacking

Layering involves strategically placing layers of bubble wrap between items to prevent direct contact. Imposing cushioned barriers reduces friction, impact, or abrasion between items. This technique is especially effective for items with different shapes, sizes, and levels of fragility.

Another technique would be by stacking. Start by placing the heaviest and sturdiest items at the bottom of the packaging. Add layers of bubble wrap between each item, ensuring they are secure and don’t shift during transit. Lighter and more delicate items should be placed on top, with additional layers of bubble wrap to provide adequate protection.

When dealing with extremely fragile items, it’s advisable to individually wrap them using layers of bubble wrap individually individually, ensuring comprehensive coverage. Add extra bubble wrap to enhance protection to create a cushioned barrier between these items and others in the packaging.

Moderately fragile items benefit from being placed within layers of bubble wrap, individually or grouped. This layering technique effectively establishes a cushioned buffer between these items and the rest. While sturdier items might require less extensive protection, providing adequate cushioning to prevent potential damage is still important. Taking a cautious approach can safeguard these items from unexpected impacts during transit.

Sealing and Labeling Packages

Securely sealing the packaging ensures that the protective layers, including the bubble wrap, remain intact throughout the journey. Utilize reliable packaging tape to seal all openings and edges. Pay special attention to corners and seams to prevent potential openings during transit.

Using shock impact indicators, tilt monitoring stickers and labelling packages such as “Fragile” or “Handle with Care” alert handlers to the delicate nature of the contents. The warning labels provide extra precaution, encourage careful handling, and reduce the risk of unnecessary impacts or rough treatment during transportation.

Sometimes, specific handling instructions are necessary to treat items appropriately. For instance, if an item should be kept upright or not stacked, including this information on the package can prevent mishandling. Clear handling instructions can make a significant difference in preserving the condition of the packaged items.


Bubble wrap rolls ensure the safety of packaged items during transit. Understanding the different types of bubble wraps, mastering proper wrapping techniques, and considering special packaging requirements, enhance the protection of items and reduce the risk of damage.

At Stream Peak, we provide the convenience of choice with our range of bubble wrap options. Whether you prefer preinstalled bubble wrap for immediate use or uninflated bubble wrap for customization, we cater to your packaging needs. We offer versatile packaging solutions prioritising protection and ease, ensuring items are safeguarded during transit